Servo motors
WITTENSTEIN cyber motor develops and produces technologically advanced servo motors with maximum power density. Our product know-how encompasses rotative and linear synchronous servo motors as well as servo actuators. Our expertise is in specialized motors for extreme conditions like ultra-high vacuums, radioactive environments or high temperatures.
Roterande synkronmotorer
Linjära servoaktuatorer
Applications for servo motors
Servo motors are used whenever precise, dynamic and energy efficient motion tasks have to be executed in a small installation space. WITTENSTEIN cyber motor provides a comprehensive portfolio of rotative and linear electric motors. Our synchronous servo motors comprise the cyber dynamic line for dynamic positioning tasks in a small space, cyber kit motors for highly integrated solutions and cyber power motors for applications demanding the highest levels of performance. The linear servo motors in our cyber linear motors family round off the motor range along with our servo actuators. Learn more about our comprehensive product portfolio!
Andra produkter från WITTENSTEIN koncernen
WITTENSTEIN koncernen integrerar alla huvudsakliga tekniker i världen för elektromekaniska drivsystem. Våra innovationer utgör ständigt nya milstolpar. Vårt produktutbud omfattar allt från medicinteknik till piezodrivningar och integrerad elektronik.